Tag Archives: fear

Solar Eclipse and Thoughts – Metaphysics

Once there was a young warrior.

Her teacher told her that she had to do battle with Fear. She didn’t want to do that! Fear is aggressive and frightening.

But the teacher said she had to and gave her instructions for the battle. The student didn’t have long to contemplate the instructions, as the battle was the next day.

The student warrior stood on one side, and Fear stood on the other. The warrior was feeling very small, and Fear was looking big and wrathful. They both had their weapons. The young warrior prepared herself and went toward Fear, prostrated three times, and asked, “may I have permission to go into battle with you”?

Fear said, “thank you for showing me so much respect that you ask permission”.

The young warrior said, “How can I defeat you?” Fear replied, “My weapons are that I talk fast, and I get very close to your face. Then you get completely unnerved, and you do whatever I say. If you don’t do what I tell you, I have no power. You can listen to me, and you can have respect for me. You can even be convinced by me. But if you don’t do what I say, I have no power”.

In that way, the student warrior learned how to defeat fear. 1

Last week I shared some published thoughts by authors about the eclipse.

Mathew Baron, an editor at The World program, writes that historically, eclipses caused thoughts of fear. “For the ancient Greeks, an eclipse was a sign that the gods were angry. The Vikings saw eclipses as a potential apocalypse. And the ancient Chinese apparently believed that an eclipse meant that a giant dragon was trying to devour the sun and that people needed to make as much noise as possible to scare the dragon away.” 2

Most educated people in these modern times were excited about it and looked forward to it as an adventure to drive or fly to where they could see the total eclipse of the sun by the moon. No one that I knew was afraid of it. One thing that we have in common with the ancient ones is the knowledge that it is a powerful energy. There was a lot of energy coming from the sun’s corona or surface in the form of gases.

It is common and normal to feel fear about something one doesn’t understand and may feel powerless over it.

Metaphysically, from Unity’s Revealing Word, the sun represents spiritual intelligence as in the realm of consciousness that has been illumined by Spirit. The moon represents our personal or human intelligence.

As a Unity Truth student, I learned that an acronym for fear is ‘false evidence appearing real’. If we let the moon or our intellect, what we think we know, be in control giving it power, then fear has the control, and our imagination can go wild… Or, if we let the sun lead, our illumined consciousness, that is one with the Spirit within us, we have the courage to face fear and understand that it is an illusion created by the imagination. Instead, we can respond calmly and peacefully by trusting the sun’s power over the moon.

Our brains are like computers and if you don’t like the program you are experiencing, you can reprogram them by changing your thoughts and affirming the truth that is beyond illusion. Therefore, when the moon is eclipsing the sun in your life experiences, you can enjoy it just as it is in totality without giving in to negative fear energy that the moon may be causing. And as you have noticed, the sun always reappears again, because that light is always within you whether you know it or not.

Feel free to tell me in the comments how you triumphed over the moon from a seeming eclipse of the sun in your life.

Rev Airin

1 https://www.doyouromthing.co.uk/post/2020/07/06/a-buddhist-story-about-how-to-defeat-fear

2 https://theworld.org/stories/2017/08/04/total-solar-eclipse-was-once-all-about-fear-it-s-still-awe-inspiring-event

Perceived Danger Part II

The end of Tammy Anderson’s story: “It is like the monk standing there and saying you could cut me with your sword, and I won’t blink an eye. The driver sensed it, and it was like watching someone die. All the color went out of him, and the fear went into his body, and he started shaking. I said to him because he had already shut the car off, start this car and you are going to take me to a hotel and in the morning, you are going to pick me up and take me where you should have taken me in the first place. And he said OKAY. The next morning, he picked me up and he said to me, after he took me where I needed to go, and as I was getting out of the car, ‘Be careful because it’s dangerous out there.’  And I handed him a Franciscan cross1 and I said, I will see you again someday and I know I will. “

“He was a teacher for me and taught me the lesson of surrender, of letting go and fearing nothing. You can’t kill somebody that has already surrendered their death. It is that stillness that I look for, that stillness where we remember who we are… “ As Rev Pat watched her tell it, she could see the strength that Tammy had. Part one of Perceived Danger, https://wordpress.com/post/revairin.wordpress.com/764 tells the first part of the story.

The Kingdom of Heaven is within us. From www.Truthunity.net the metaphysical definition is: ”a state of consciousness in which the soul and body are in harmony with Divine Mind.“ This is the Christ consciousness that we all possess that some call our higher self or consciousness. This is where we have access to Divine ideas, the substance from which we create our world. This is also our direct line to God that we can access at any time. The speed at which we connect is not measurable, it is intuitive.

Tammy was connecting intuitively with God or her higher self. She felt the fear welling up within her. As I learned yet another way to see fear, it is a signal, an alarm system designed to serve and protect. She seemed to welcome it as warning her of the danger she was in.

As I mentioned in part one, Did Tammy encounter evil or someone who was misappropriating the infinite supply of Divine ideas that we have in us? He was choosing a dangerous way to be. Tammy was able to turn the tables and give him a dose of what it felt like to be in fear. She didn’t purposely do this, it was the choice to surrender to her death, no longer fearing him, which released its and his power over her.

“There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts.” Richard Bach, Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

Here is another way to look at fear, danger and evil. When we run from the problem it only increases its power over us. When we can accept the gift, the problem disappears. Or, try embracing the fear as integral threads in the tapestry of your being.

Remember in the story that Tammy gave the Franciscan cross to the man? I looked it up and it means to become the best person possible. It is in the footnote below.

Rev Airin

1 Today Franciscans wear the Tau Cross as a sign of their commitment to Christ and the power of his love to transform us into the very best person we can possibly become. https://thefranciscanstore.org/products/tau-cross-keychain?_pos=19&_sid=fda15a004&_ss=r