Tag Archives: Unity

Solar Eclipse and Thoughts – Metaphysics

Once there was a young warrior.

Her teacher told her that she had to do battle with Fear. She didn’t want to do that! Fear is aggressive and frightening.

But the teacher said she had to and gave her instructions for the battle. The student didn’t have long to contemplate the instructions, as the battle was the next day.

The student warrior stood on one side, and Fear stood on the other. The warrior was feeling very small, and Fear was looking big and wrathful. They both had their weapons. The young warrior prepared herself and went toward Fear, prostrated three times, and asked, “may I have permission to go into battle with you”?

Fear said, “thank you for showing me so much respect that you ask permission”.

The young warrior said, “How can I defeat you?” Fear replied, “My weapons are that I talk fast, and I get very close to your face. Then you get completely unnerved, and you do whatever I say. If you don’t do what I tell you, I have no power. You can listen to me, and you can have respect for me. You can even be convinced by me. But if you don’t do what I say, I have no power”.

In that way, the student warrior learned how to defeat fear. 1

Last week I shared some published thoughts by authors about the eclipse.

Mathew Baron, an editor at The World program, writes that historically, eclipses caused thoughts of fear. “For the ancient Greeks, an eclipse was a sign that the gods were angry. The Vikings saw eclipses as a potential apocalypse. And the ancient Chinese apparently believed that an eclipse meant that a giant dragon was trying to devour the sun and that people needed to make as much noise as possible to scare the dragon away.” 2

Most educated people in these modern times were excited about it and looked forward to it as an adventure to drive or fly to where they could see the total eclipse of the sun by the moon. No one that I knew was afraid of it. One thing that we have in common with the ancient ones is the knowledge that it is a powerful energy. There was a lot of energy coming from the sun’s corona or surface in the form of gases.

It is common and normal to feel fear about something one doesn’t understand and may feel powerless over it.

Metaphysically, from Unity’s Revealing Word, the sun represents spiritual intelligence as in the realm of consciousness that has been illumined by Spirit. The moon represents our personal or human intelligence.

As a Unity Truth student, I learned that an acronym for fear is ‘false evidence appearing real’. If we let the moon or our intellect, what we think we know, be in control giving it power, then fear has the control, and our imagination can go wild… Or, if we let the sun lead, our illumined consciousness, that is one with the Spirit within us, we have the courage to face fear and understand that it is an illusion created by the imagination. Instead, we can respond calmly and peacefully by trusting the sun’s power over the moon.

Our brains are like computers and if you don’t like the program you are experiencing, you can reprogram them by changing your thoughts and affirming the truth that is beyond illusion. Therefore, when the moon is eclipsing the sun in your life experiences, you can enjoy it just as it is in totality without giving in to negative fear energy that the moon may be causing. And as you have noticed, the sun always reappears again, because that light is always within you whether you know it or not.

Feel free to tell me in the comments how you triumphed over the moon from a seeming eclipse of the sun in your life.

Rev Airin

1 https://www.doyouromthing.co.uk/post/2020/07/06/a-buddhist-story-about-how-to-defeat-fear

2 https://theworld.org/stories/2017/08/04/total-solar-eclipse-was-once-all-about-fear-it-s-still-awe-inspiring-event

An Angel by Easter

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Pexels.com

In last week’s Palm Sunday post, I introduced you all to Aiden who was resurrecting his life from the breakup of a long-term relationship by first surrendering control to God. Fast forwarding to the present day to where Aiden has been a chaplain at a large corporate hospital. The social worker in the emergency department had paged him to support the husband of a patient in critical condition. “It’s very serious,” she said, telling him that Monica had coded 3 times, twice in the ambulance.

Aiden entered the small family room and sat down across from Monica’s husband, Parker. He introduced himself and said he was there to support him. The nurse opened the door and said Parker could see his wife now. He asked Aiden to come with him. Once in the room with all the doctors and nurses they were filled in on everything and she was headed to the intensive care unit. He asked Aiden to say a prayer before she left. The staff were moving at warp speed to save Monica’s life.

Aiden and Parker had no sooner gotten to the waiting room than Dr Forest approached them and took them onto the unit to a family room. Two other doctors appeared, and they explained what Monica’s options were. She had a perforated colon and acid, and toxins were in her blood stream. Her brain was swollen so she needed a bolt put in to help reduce the swelling and the perforation needed to be fixed.  Parker gave permission for the surgery, knowing that it was possible Monica might not make it if her heart stopped again.

It was 25 minutes before they revived her the third time and Dr Forest was concerned about her swollen brain and its functioning. They painted a dire picture of her chances of surviving. They left and Parker said, “I never imagined my day would be like this.” The young anesthesiologist dropped in and then got a phone call, so he left.

Parker said, “I ‘ve gotten good at reading people and he has a good aura.” The anesthesiologist returns, explains his part in the surgery and verifies that there will be no chest compressions, but electronic shock was okay. Parker turns to Aiden and verifies with him. “Did I say no chest compressions before with the other doctors?” Aiden replied yes. Parker recalled that now, “Right because it breaks ribs.”

So much information in a short time to assimilate. The anesthesiologist finished and asked if Parker had any questions. He asked, “Do you have hope?’ He replied, “I always have hope, hoping for the best outcome.” He was on his way as Parker thanked him.

“I like being positive,” said Parker. “Before you walked into the room, I was a mess. Tears kept rolling down my face and they wouldn’t stop.”

As he grappled with the decisions, he had just made to go forward with the surgery to save Monica’s life, he looked out of the floor to ceiling window of the city and the coastline in the distance. He said, “As I look at this view, it reminds me of how small we are.” Aiden had no words to respond to him other than to acknowledge that he heard them.

Both wanted a miracle but neither of them said the word out loud, it was the heart of their hope and palpable as they waited for Monica to make it through the surgery. Later, once the pediatric social worker came to be there for Parker and his 5 children who were on their way, Aiden spoke with Dr Forest.

“We may be doing too much,” the doctor said. Aiden replied, “He will be able to sleep knowing that he did everything possible for her.” “That is true,” he agreed. Parker had said this a couple times when Aiden was keeping him company, also saying that he knew Monica would do that for him.

Aiden was paged back later because the social worker had to leave. He met the children and the two youngest, 12 and 13, were playing a miniature sized game of monopoly. Parker said, “We are still waiting for her to come back from surgery.”

One of the things Parker had shared about Monica was how strong she was, and her mother before her, and her grandmother. Metaphysically from Unity’s Revealing Word, strength means “the energy of God, freedom from weakness; stability of character…Strength is physical, mental and spiritual.” Parker thought he would die first because he didn’t consider himself as strong as she was. What he didn’t realize was how much strength he exhibited in the way he was showing up in each moment.

His strength was fueling his hope, which was very evident when he asked the anesthesiologist if he had hope. Metaphysically, “hope is the expectation of good in the future. It is a quality (good as far as it goes) of sense mind because it is subject to time.”

It was time for Aiden to leave for the day and he was relieved by chaplain Maria. She was there with Parker after Monica came back from surgery. The two adult children were also in the room. Monica was on life support or ECMO which means that the machines were keeping her body functioning because she couldn’t be alive without them. Maria said a prayer and after the adult children left, Parker made the decision to let Monica go….

On the church calendar, it was Holy Saturday or Easter Eve, a day of quiet reflection on Jesus’ crucifixion and preparation for his resurrection on Easter observed by many Christians. For Unity truth students, it is a time of releasing and surrendering those ‘crucifixions’ old limiting thought, problems and forgiving oneself and then others. As Jesus said, “God forgive them for they know not what they do.”

Resurrecting in our mind, as in lifting our consciousness and letting go of the crucifixions, healing and feeling free and at-one-ment or one with God. In Monica’s case, her healing was on the ethereal plane, she was not able to recover physically on the earth plane. Some would say that God needed another angel.

She was an angel by Easter. Parker was confident in being a father to all five children, aged 12, 13, 15, 18, and 21, even if only two were his biological children, that never mattered to his family. On the earth plane, he was an angel by Easter also.

Happy Easter!

Rev Airin

Control or Surrender

“To hell with circumstances, I create opportunities.”

Bruce Lee

It was as though he had woken up one day and his world had completely changed. Aiden was single after a sixteen-year relationship that had ended. She had taken their dog with her and left his cat, at least, but the apartment was emptied of all her things. This was really all temporary, she had said. It was to be revisited in time and maybe they would get back together. Was that being let down easy?

He came back to the apartment because he was house sitting for his sister and she had returned from her trip. The cat food bag was ripped open and almost empty. Hartwick, a Maine coon cat, was a survivor. You know, all the things and questions that go through one’s mind at that point. Aiden was also feeling out of control…

Each of us has a story of a situation when we felt like Aiden did. Perhaps it is a mother having to say goodbye to her son who is on life support, from a motor vehicle crash, in the intensive care unit. The spark of hope was he had chosen to be an organ donor and 5 lives were going to be saved.

We always have a choice in our attitude in what or who we give the power or control. The following poem gives most of those choices.

Things You can Control

Your Beliefs

Your attitude
Your thoughts
Your perspective
How honest you are
Who your friends are
What books you read
How often you exercise
The type of food you eat
How many risks you take
How you interpret the situation
How kind you are to others
How kind you are to yourself
How often you say “I love you.”
How often you say “thank you.”
How you express your feelings
Whether or not you ask for help
How often you practice gratitude
How many times you smile today
The amount of effort you put forth
How you spend / invest your money
How much time you spend worrying
How often you think about your past
Whether or not you judge other people
Whether or not you try again after a setback
How much you appreciate the things you have
— Caleb LP Gunner

A wise mentor of mine said that it is okay to be on your pity pot, just don’t camp out there. Spiritually, it can be seen as a “dark night of the soul” that the mystic, St. John of the Cross, wrote about in a poem.1 The website referenced will give you more details if you are unfamiliar with it. “Darkness represents the hardships and difficulties the soul meets in detachment from the world and reaching the light of the union with the Creator.”2

Metaphysical meaning of self-control (Unity’s Revealing Word) self-control–The capacity to direct one’s behavior in right ways. One who tries to establish self-control through will power and suppression never accomplishes permanent results. Self-control is accomplished when all the forces of man come in touch with the divine will and understanding.

What I learned about ‘surrender’ in the Unity teachings, is that I am surrendering to God’s absolute good in my life. Divine Will is God wanting us to be happy. God wants the highest and best for us. Even when it doesn’t feel like it in the current moment, things will get better. The loving God that Jesus taught us about in the New Testament vs the shaming vengeful God that is read about in the Old Testament.

Let God and let go, trusting in God’s guidance that is given to us through our intuition. When the guidance is for the highest and best for all, it resonates in our being and it feels good in our heart.

So, the rest of the story for Aiden, whose name means trust, he went to a lake the next day and spent time with his sister and his two nieces. They were 4 and 6 years old. He taught them how to skip rocks on the water, like his dad had taught him. As he bent down to pick up a few flat rocks, He heard God say, “Welcome back!”

Feel free to share in the comments one of your experiences or you can use a different name like I have or whatever feels comfortable.

Rev Airin

1 https://www.ramdass.org/st-john-of-the-cross-and-dark-night-of-the-soul/

2 ibid.

Erasing the Black Cloud

It was an hour later and the patient having Dialysis had another code white. A code white can be that the pt was unresponsive, a possible stroke, or having respiratory challenges. He was unresponsive for a second time. By the time I arrived, he had been responding to the medical staff, and now his eyes were closed. I have heard that it can be fatiguing for a person to have their blood cleaned. (Our kidneys do this for us naturally but if they stop working then one must have it done with an artificial one.) A chaplain is paged to come be present and support the patient, staff, and family if there is any.

Instead of being outside a room in the hallway, there was space for me to be in the room with everyone. The Dialysis nurse said, “Every time I am charge, I feel like there is a black cloud over my head.” No one verbally responded to this statement, although there were some compassionate expressions as they continued with the task at hand, playing their various roles in determining if this patient should go to a critical care unit where he could be more closely monitored.

I’m thinking to myself that there might be a way to change the course of her day by giving her another way to think about being the charge nurse. It was now or never, so the thought came to me to say, “I’m going see the black cloud as erased.” “Yes, it’s gone,” she said. “You can begin anew in this moment and start your day over,” I said. She smiled and a little bit after that I left.

I believe I have said this before, it all begins with our thoughts. Having the awareness of this can change our day one word at a time and then one sentence. We know that what we think can become manifested in our life. So, if you don’t like what is occurring in your life, change your thoughts. Remember that everything is energy, frequency, and vibration.

Here is an example of the energy of faith thoughts as electricity from Unity’s co-founder, Charles Fillmore from his book, Atom Smashing Power of the Mind, p 14 & 15.

“The man who called electricity faith doubtless thought that he was making a striking comparison when in fact he was telling a truth, that faith is of the mind and it is the match that starts the fire in the electrons and protons of innate Spirit forces. Faith has its degrees of voltage; the faith of the child and the faith of the most powerful spiritual adept are far apart in their intensity and results. When the trillions of cells in one’s body are roused to expectancy by spiritual faith, a positive spiritual contact results and marvelous transformations take place. When Jesus asked His patients, “Believe ye that I am able to do this?” (Matt. 9:28) He was making such a contact. Also when He told those to whom He ministered, “Thy faith hath made thee whole,” (Mark 5:34, Luke 8:48, Luke 17:19) He used the same law. When He turned water into wine and fed five thousand by multiplying a few loaves and fishes, He performed in a masterly and beneficial way what our scientists made possible in a destructive way by releasing through the atomic bomb the pent-up forces of Spirit.

Scientists have invented a machine that records the forces of thought. Every thought expressed by the mind radiates an energy as it passes through the brain cells, and this machine measures the force of these radiations. Sir James Jeans, the eminent British scientist, gives a prophecy of this in one of his books. He says in substance that it may be that the gods determining our fate are our own minds working on our brain cells and through them on the world about us. This will eventually be found to be true, and the discovery of the law of release of the electronic vitality wrapped up in matter will be the greatest revelation of all time.

When we awake to the fact that every breath we draw is releasing this all-potent electronic energy and it is shaping our lives for good or ill, according to our faith, then we shall begin to search for the law that will guide us aright in the use of power.

People the world over were amazed and terrified when they read of the destruction wrought on the cities and people of Japan by two atomic bombs. But do we realize that millions of people are killed every year by atomic force? Doctors tell us that it is the toxin generated in our own bodies that kills us. What produces this destructive force? It must be our own minds, and the remedy must also be in a change in mind. Paul expressed this when he said, “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12:2).”

The bombing occurred on August 6th and 9th, 1945. The book was first published in 1949 by Unity Books. With this passage I included, take what resonates or makes sense and leave the rest.

Some of our thoughts can be toxic. They are only toxic to us and toxic to others if they and we allow it to have power. Staying conscious is the key.

Remember you can always begin again in the present moment, let go of the past, forgive yourself and others, erase the black cloud and turn the page to begin a new chapter. Write what you would like to be experiencing…

Rev Airin

Intuition Energy

Photo by Captured Moments on Pexels.com

Lyrics for the song: It’s in Everyone of Us

It’s in everyone of us
To be wise
Find your heart
Open up both your eyes,
We can all know everything
Without ever knowing why,
It’s in everyone of us
By and by
It’s in everyone of us
To be wise,
Find your heart
Open up both your eyes,
We can all know everything
Without ever knowing why,
It’s in everyone of us
By and by

It’s in everyone of us
I just remembered
It’s like I been sleeping for years,
I’m not awake as I can be
But my seeing is better,
I can see
Through the tears,
I’ve been realising that,
I bought this ticket
And watching only half of the show,
There is scenery and lights
And a cast of thousands,
Who all know
What I know,
And it’s good
That it’s so

It’s in everyone of us
To be wise
Find your heart
Open up both your eyes,
We can all know everything
Without ever knowing why,
It’s in everyone of us
By and by,
It’s in everyone of us
By and by

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: David Pomeranz

It’s In Everyone Of Us lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc

This version is sung and performed by the writer himself. At our Unity church, about 20 years ago we would sing the first verse this song during the service. It may have been the opening song. Some say that singing is praying twice. We were definitely affirming the truth about ourselves.

We all have intuitive abilities. “It’s in everyone of us.” Some people refer to them as the Clair’s : Clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, clairintellect, clairempathy, clairsentience, clairtangency, clairsalience, and clairgustance. 1 Below is a link that you can click on or copy and paste into your browser, that will give you the definition of each. Take a moment and check them out to see which one you may have experienced.

According to Unity’s cofounder, Charles Fillmore, the metaphysical meaning of clairvoyance is “the power of discerning objects not present to the senses but regarded as having objective reality”, The Revealing Word. published by Unity.

“It may be called intuition or spiritual insight but really it is the leading of Divine Spirit.” From the interpretation of Mathew Chapter 5, Unity School of Practical Christianity.

There are cultures around the world where this is a normal way of life to feel or sense things or know the future. Some people have dismissed these natural abilities as woo woo or having psychic powers. Others go to a medium or intuitive to obtain answers or reach loved ones that have passed on. If you are new to this potential ability in you, the link I gave you will be helpful as you feel or sense which one or ones resonate with you. You can develop them to be stronger as intuitives have. Once you start looking for support, you will find a teacher to help you.

For myself, I don’t think of them as the clairs. I can feel other’s feelings and have empathic experiences. Experiencing someone’s heart palpitations I wouldn’t recommend. I was in the seminary and working at a church that afternoon. I had told Spirit to use me before that. I said to not use me in that way. It hasn’t happened since. I found out later that the daughter of a mentoring minister who I hadn’t personally met had the same heart experience and close to the same time that I did.

I can also be thinking about someone in the morning that I haven’t seen for a while, and I will run into them at the bank that same day. This is the city of Portland, not a small town. Sometimes I will go into a store and the thought will come in which I wonder if I will see someone that I know. I barely expressed the thought when they were standing in front of me. It’s always the little things I notice. I think of it as being in tune.

Another thing to note is that society hasn’t always welcomed this in everyday conversation. I know that there are certain contexts where I can share this, and others won’t think I am crazy. Like something that had a pure intention when it was born can be judged or tainted in other arenas by society or ‘race consciousness’ (Charles Fillmore) that we are also a part of. This is when the leading of Spirit, your higher Self, guides you as to when and where this information, the ‘knowing’ that you know, can be shared.

The knowledge that we receive through our intuition, some call it ‘Source’, we learn to trust over time. It is meant for us first and whether you share this with a specific person that it is regarding can be a sticky wicket. They might not take it well or be ready to hear it. I had an intuitive friend who is no longer on the earth plane, he would preface his ‘knowing’ with “I only wish to be helpful” to get a read on whether it was appropriate to share with the person.

This post only introduces the topic of our intuition, it’s another form of universal energy that is everywhere. We are interconnected in so many ways.

Have fun with the energy in all its frequencies!

Rev Airin

1 The Clair Senses

Reiki Lifestyle.com

It’s All Energy Part II

The story/energetic experience continues, repeating part of the last paragraph from Part I, https://wordpress.com/post/revairin.wordpress.com/881

My sense of calm was dissipating rapidly when there was no call back number and I had to look it up online to try and catch whoever was in the garage because they were going to be leaving if they didn’t hear from me. Of course, it wasn’t the number for the person walking around the garage…

When I called the number, I reached a female dispatcher of the company. “He’s already left and on his way to the next call. It’s been a crazy morning,” she said. There was a myriad of thoughts and emotions running through my mind in that moment…

“You didn’t leave a call back number and I had to look you up online which was why it took me a bit to call back. It’s not my fault,” I said. Why did I say that?

“It kind of is,” she said.

“There was no five-minute notification or call from the technician that Triple A always provides,” I said. Fortunately, I am good at staying rational and handling myself in the moment, but it was taking all of me to maintain control of my energy because I was about to blast off like a rocket as I thought about the families that were waiting for me at the hospital. We always have a choice in every situation in how we show up energetically and that affects our stress level. We are the cause of the stress we feel because it is what we allow into our own quantum field.

“So, you will need to place another ticket with Triple A,” she said, “Have a good day,”

Was it my fault? I am normally not one to place blame anywhere. It was one action done by me that caused me to have to call Triple A. I tend to take too much responsibility for my actions.

“It is what it is,” Manny had said when I had first sat down in the shuttle office to wait for Triple A. How much more did I want to make of it, now at this point? Did I have it in me to shift my energy to a higher frequency to get through this experience? Could I employ my higher Self at this moment?

Even though we have graduated from school, we are still in the school of life and our curriculum is what is in front of us. “Trust and Allow,” trust in my higher Self and allow its support in my life. “Trust and Allow the energies here to be in service to you and to work through you.”1   Traditionally to say this in a Unity way, would be to surrender and trust in God or Spirit within to show me the way through this situation.

However, the normal ebb and flow of the tides of energy waves in my life were at high tide. I called Triple A and the first person I spoke with, once you get through the robotic female assistant voice to a live person, and just after she got my information we were disconnected. Third time is always the charm, and it was with this wonderful presence on the line with me. I shared just some of my frustration and she compassionately listened.

I mostly mentioned that there were two families waiting for me at the hospital who had already waited an hour, and I was going to give Manny permission to hold my keys for me until I got out of work. She gets me all taken care of, and I finally get in the shuttle and let my colleague know that I will be there soon. It takes about 10 minutes, and I am walking through the door to the spiritual care office and my phone rings, it’s Chris from Triple A. He was already standing by my truck and just needed my verification so that he could give my keys to Manny! I was so happy that it was finally taken care of and I could get centered for the patients and families.

At one point, I was planning to file a complaint to Triple A about the snafu that occurred with the first call. What ‘good’ would that do in the long run? It wasn’t about right or wrong. I didn’t like how that was feeling energetically in my gut. As the workday progressed and I had time away from it, I thought about how accommodating and friendly Manny was to me. I began to figure out who I could send the commendation letter to so I could thank him.

And the third person I spoke with at Triple A, she was such a wonderful angel. I never told her what I did for work. Did she think I was a doctor? That was the fastest service I have ever gotten from them.

Often, I will wait until the next day to make an important decision or let ample time go by to take a respite from something that needs an answer. I like texting also for that reason because it gives me time to think about the response and also, I am a reflective thinker.

It was a spiritual warrior day and I had started with wanting to file a complaint, deciding not to respond negatively, and spread negative energy and instead send out positive energy in the form of a commendation letter about what went well. It is less often that we hear about an act that we did well and more often when we made a mistake.

Also, whatever you think do or say resonates/vibrates in your bones first so what do I want for the energy frequency in my bones?

Feel free to start a discussion in the comments below if anything here inspired you.

Rev Airin

1 p 26, Energy Dynamics-Energy Mastery by Toni G. Boehm, PhD, 2023

Invisible and Tender Hearted

Photo by Blue Bird on Pexels.com

“Being invisible had nothing to do with being seen. Being invisible meant not being sensed or felt.” Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelson1

Silence and invisibility go hand in hand with powerlessness.Audre Lorde2

Many of us know about the invisibility cloak that Harry Potter used in the J.K. Rowling book series about him. When he wore it he was invisible as long as he didn’t walk in front of a mirror. Then there are those of us who wished we could be invisible sometimes. The above quotes are referring to how the patient was feeling that I had visited. He said it was so good to see you with such an outpouring of gratitude that I responded, it was good to be seen.

I was being half funny with the response and he acknowledged it however, he said he felt invisible. I asked him what he meant by that. “After being in the hospital a while people forget about you because they have their own busy lives.” He is concerned about being “institutionalized” in an assisted living facility for the same reason.

He has one good friend that he has known since he was 16 who he can trust and brings him things. He seemed lonely, too. His girlfriend of 23 years “dumped” him a few months back. He then reconnected with an old flame that still held a torch for him and he was making plans to go out west to her and she died a couple months ago so…also he is unable to walk and is bedbound at the moment. He is doing physical therapy. Note, though, he wasn’t once complaining or whining about anything. He was stating the facts with a tender heart filled with emotion.  

The second quote highlights how this man maybe feeling powerless in addition to feeling invisible. I think vulnerability goes along with it. He was willing to be vulnerable and ask for assistance.

This was my second visit to him and he recalled that I carved wood. We had also talked about his love of working with wood and wanting to have a shop to do it in. At a second visit you can sometimes go deeper in your discussion. He said he had a lot of questions and didn’t know who to ask for the answers. He didn’t have any significant other in his life to have conversations. I made a suggestion that the answer was ‘ written on his heart’ and to listen for the answer after he asks the question. A way of listening for God or your higher self, or the Universe to support you with an answer.

Let’s look at the metaphysical meaning of invisible.
“invisible, the–Reality that cannot be seen, touched, or comprehended by any of the outer senses. In this realm a great and mighty work is being accomplished.” –Revealing Word, Unity School of Christianity

God or the Universe of course, is invisible. Ideas can’t be seen either until they are put into action or created. This patient was feeling like he didn’t exist for people who forget he is still in the hospital. His physical needs are also causing it to take longer to find a facility for him to go to.

Love is invisible too but can be felt in the heart and one might also experience warmth. Let’s look at the metaphysical definition of heart.

—“The heart is love, the affectional consciousness in man. It is the faculty through which man receives love from Being. The heart, however, is but the visible expression of an invisible center of consciousness. It is the center from which the divine substance is poured forth. Everyone uses his heart center when he sends forth a loving thought.

As used in Scripture, the word heart represents the subconscious mind. “Out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh” (Luke 6:45).

heart, good and evil–The heart of the unregenerate man is both good and evil, but the evil is without foundation in Being, and has no sustaining power outside man’s belief in its reality. When the heart is purged of all thoughts adverse to goodman consciously contacts the underlying God substance.” –Revealing Word, Unity School of Christianity

Universally, when we see a red heart, we think of love which then makes it become visible. Since we are how God gets around, through our actions, we make God visible, too. The patient felt seen by me and now had a spiritual tool to use for finding answers to his deeper questions.

I think most of us have a tender heart and it is okay to be open and present to the person you are talking with in that moment. They not only feel seen beyond their physical appearance but also heard by you simultaneously.

Let me know what you believe about this and have fun this week.

Happy New Year!

Rev Airin

1 Ben Mikaelson is an author, leader and speaker who helps kids and adults break out of labels and discover their own special genius. His Bully Free Stance presentations and the powerful messages in his books affect people the world over helping create positive change.

2 Audre Lorde described herself as a black lesbian, mother, warrior, and poet. Teaching in white academia shaped her life and work. She wrote powerful poetry that spoke up for the marginalized with a passion for social and racial justice as well as other topics.

Poems for Christmas

I am sharing some poems here written by authors who were Unity Truth students ‘back in the day.’ All the poems were taken from A Treasury of Unity Poems, published by Unity Publishing department, Unity School of Christianity, Lee’s Summit, MO, 1964.


All great things happen silently.

When daffodils unfold

Without a sound, dark hills become

Kings’ hoards of living gold.

All miracles are quiet born.

No breath disturbs the tree

That spills from yesterday’s dark boughs

This froth white canopy.

So wonder wakens in the breast.

Serene as birds on wing,

The heart unlocks past seasons’ doors

And stirs to meet the spring.

Marie Daerr

The Soul can Listen

On a late autumn afternoon

The soul can listen, if in tune,

To a deep-down and all-around

Silence too complete for sound.

Out of the heart of stillness swells

A music not of vocables,

A language of eternity.

Silence, what do you say to me?

James Dillet Freeman


Silent wings above my head—

A shadow on the earth below;

I had not known the bird was there

But for that motion on the snow.

Sometimes a shadow on life’s path

May bid us pause to look above

And find, outspread against the sky,

The quiet, sheltering wings of love.

Rowena Cheney

I Wish You Merry Christmas

I Wish You Merry Christmas,

I say it like a prayer—

When you wake Christmas morning

May all you wish be there.

Oh may the Spirit of the Christ

Into your heart descend!

I wish you Merry Christmas,

It means, I love you, friend.

James Dillet Freeman

Merry Christmas!

Rev Airin

What is Advent?

Advent is a tradition, or ritual that Christians celebrate in preparation for the birth of Jesus or the Christ. Some churches consider it a liturgical season and each of the 4 Sundays before Christmas are named for the liturgy that is used regarding birth: hope and faith, peace, joy and love.

The historians best guess is that it came about in France, before 380 AD, when Advent was a period of fasting for 3 weeks before the Feast of the Epiphany, similar to Lent. Then, the church council formalized it in 380 AD to be the preparation before Christmas.

The advent wreath was borrowed from the German Lutherans in the 1500’s. It is a circle meaning never ending, as in our life, believing that the soul never dies. Fresh greens on the wreath indicate life. The candle lighting represents Christ’s light coming into the world and now some see it as preparation for the second coming of Christ.

Unity believes that the Christ or Jesus has already come and that it is expressing through all of us as love, peace, hope and faith, joy and more. Also, the phrase, “We are how God gets around”, is exemplified by how each of us shows up in the world. We do our best in following Jesus’s teachings. Each year we prepare for the Christ to be birthed at a deeper level. Here is one of my earlier blogs, my first one, Birthing the Christ:   https://wordpress.com/post/revairin.wordpress.com/8  And the Birth:  https://wordpress.com/post/revairin.wordpress.com/477

What does this look like in physical reality to bring out our divine nature even more than before? Well, maybe there is something that you have been wanting to do to support a neighbor and it just hasn’t happened yet. Or maybe it is to extend the time you spend meditating or begin a meditation practice. This increases your relationship with God. All those divine ideas we have 24/7 access to within us become more accessible.

I wrote this poem called The Christ of my Being which describes how I connect with it.

The Christ of My Being

I call forth the Christ

of my being

The healing breathing life source

within me

that manifests and sustains

my every desire

that orders and harmonizes

my spirit, body and soul

that enriches and guides

my every action

Gives me infinite grace and love

to express to all

As I surrender

in total fulfillment

of the Divine Plan

Who is the Christ for you? How do you express the Christ or the love and peace from within you? What might be something that you haven’t gotten around to doing that would support another?

Rev Airin

Thanksgiving and Surrender

Thanksgiving and Surrender

Celebrating the holiday of Thanksgiving and the time leading up to that day gives me pause as I reflect on what I am grateful for. Are you aware that giving thanks is a form of surrender? It occurred to me this week, so I looked it up. I hadn’t thought of it in this way before. One is allowing themselves to be supported by another and letting them know by saying thank you.

Is there a major point in your life that occurred, and you were supported by friends or family? I am grateful for friends who were there for my wife and I in our Unity community when we moved from a church that I was senior minister of in Virginia back to Maine. Our two dogs were also welcome while we stayed at their home. It was a major turning point in my life in 2010.

I had let everything go regarding what was mine to do for a career and let things unfold gradually. I continued to write my blog and the post Over Easy, https://wordpress.com/post/revairin.wordpress.com/38  I wrote at their home one morning.

 A year later, right before I started on the path to becoming a hospital chaplain I had the following dream that I will repost here. It is entitled: Dreams with Messages

Two weeks ago, I had a dream. I woke up after having it in the early morning, therefore it is considered a waking dream. Charles Filmore, Unity’s (unity.org) cofounder believed in the messages of waking dreams. Theoretically, your first dreams when you go to sleep are those that help you work out and let go of events from that day.

In the dream, I was the tractor that was pulling the trailer of a semi-truck. I was driving in the wrong direction, however. All the traffic had stopped on the highway and was waiting for me to turn around. They were patient. I saw a person in a night shirt that represented each car. Once I got turned around, I was then pulling the truck up a flight of stairs and then I awoke.

     It was a pretty vivid message just like the picture that I selected above. My initial feeling and thought were that I’m trying to overcome the current challenges mostly by myself, once again. The cars on the highway, which represent those on the path of life with you, were supporting me as I turned my life around. The trailer obviously was the weight and baggage of my current challenge. The next part of the dream when I was pulling it up the stairs, I was making life more of a struggle than it needs to be. Stairs represent “one’s ascent or descent in relation to one’s life progression or advancement.”1 I had gotten caught up on the gerbil wheel going around and around and forgetting to trust and have faith in God.

Many people have and continue to be there to support me with their unconditional love, patience, and abundance. They have employed me, written me letters of reference and most of all just listened to and accepted me for who I am with the gifts and talents that I have come to earth to give. Having compassion for oneself is not easy. Today as I get over yet another cold from the stress I created, I am choosing to have compassion for myself. I know I am doing the best that I can.

Dreams have messages that are simple yet profound. It is the Spirit’s way of getting your attention. As you interpret them, the key is how they felt to you and what resonates with in you. It’s helpful to keep a journal that you write them in. I incorporate them into the regular journal that I write in when I have something I want to remember.

Remember to have compassion for yourself in whatever is happening in your life. When you surrender giving thanks in advance and let Spirit give you the next step, It knows the how, things will shift for the better in your life. Relax and have faith. Amen.

Rev Airin

1.  p.518, Mary Summer Rain on Dreams by Mary Summer Rain and Alex Greystone