Tag Archives: Energy

It’s All Energy Part II

The story/energetic experience continues, repeating part of the last paragraph from Part I, https://wordpress.com/post/revairin.wordpress.com/881

My sense of calm was dissipating rapidly when there was no call back number and I had to look it up online to try and catch whoever was in the garage because they were going to be leaving if they didn’t hear from me. Of course, it wasn’t the number for the person walking around the garage…

When I called the number, I reached a female dispatcher of the company. “He’s already left and on his way to the next call. It’s been a crazy morning,” she said. There was a myriad of thoughts and emotions running through my mind in that moment…

“You didn’t leave a call back number and I had to look you up online which was why it took me a bit to call back. It’s not my fault,” I said. Why did I say that?

“It kind of is,” she said.

“There was no five-minute notification or call from the technician that Triple A always provides,” I said. Fortunately, I am good at staying rational and handling myself in the moment, but it was taking all of me to maintain control of my energy because I was about to blast off like a rocket as I thought about the families that were waiting for me at the hospital. We always have a choice in every situation in how we show up energetically and that affects our stress level. We are the cause of the stress we feel because it is what we allow into our own quantum field.

“So, you will need to place another ticket with Triple A,” she said, “Have a good day,”

Was it my fault? I am normally not one to place blame anywhere. It was one action done by me that caused me to have to call Triple A. I tend to take too much responsibility for my actions.

“It is what it is,” Manny had said when I had first sat down in the shuttle office to wait for Triple A. How much more did I want to make of it, now at this point? Did I have it in me to shift my energy to a higher frequency to get through this experience? Could I employ my higher Self at this moment?

Even though we have graduated from school, we are still in the school of life and our curriculum is what is in front of us. “Trust and Allow,” trust in my higher Self and allow its support in my life. “Trust and Allow the energies here to be in service to you and to work through you.”1   Traditionally to say this in a Unity way, would be to surrender and trust in God or Spirit within to show me the way through this situation.

However, the normal ebb and flow of the tides of energy waves in my life were at high tide. I called Triple A and the first person I spoke with, once you get through the robotic female assistant voice to a live person, and just after she got my information we were disconnected. Third time is always the charm, and it was with this wonderful presence on the line with me. I shared just some of my frustration and she compassionately listened.

I mostly mentioned that there were two families waiting for me at the hospital who had already waited an hour, and I was going to give Manny permission to hold my keys for me until I got out of work. She gets me all taken care of, and I finally get in the shuttle and let my colleague know that I will be there soon. It takes about 10 minutes, and I am walking through the door to the spiritual care office and my phone rings, it’s Chris from Triple A. He was already standing by my truck and just needed my verification so that he could give my keys to Manny! I was so happy that it was finally taken care of and I could get centered for the patients and families.

At one point, I was planning to file a complaint to Triple A about the snafu that occurred with the first call. What ‘good’ would that do in the long run? It wasn’t about right or wrong. I didn’t like how that was feeling energetically in my gut. As the workday progressed and I had time away from it, I thought about how accommodating and friendly Manny was to me. I began to figure out who I could send the commendation letter to so I could thank him.

And the third person I spoke with at Triple A, she was such a wonderful angel. I never told her what I did for work. Did she think I was a doctor? That was the fastest service I have ever gotten from them.

Often, I will wait until the next day to make an important decision or let ample time go by to take a respite from something that needs an answer. I like texting also for that reason because it gives me time to think about the response and also, I am a reflective thinker.

It was a spiritual warrior day and I had started with wanting to file a complaint, deciding not to respond negatively, and spread negative energy and instead send out positive energy in the form of a commendation letter about what went well. It is less often that we hear about an act that we did well and more often when we made a mistake.

Also, whatever you think do or say resonates/vibrates in your bones first so what do I want for the energy frequency in my bones?

Feel free to start a discussion in the comments below if anything here inspired you.

Rev Airin

1 p 26, Energy Dynamics-Energy Mastery by Toni G. Boehm, PhD, 2023

It’s All Energy

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

“Before you respond to someone, remember that your response is an agreement to establish an energetic connection with them, which may change your energy field and vibrational frequency.” 1

It all began with my truck door not closing properly. Because I had locked it, I couldn’t open it back up to fix it. Reaching into the back slit of my briefcase for my keys, they were not there. Ugh! I looked on the passenger seat and there they had landed instead of in my briefcase…. In retrospect, was this the Universe alerting me to the fact that I had locked my keys in my truck? It would have been much worse to deal with it after work.

I was on the 4th floor of the parking garage and headed to the shuttle office on the ground floor where we get on the shuttle to go to the hospital. The shuttle attendant in the office, I’ll call him Manny, had a friendly presence. I called Triple A and they said it would be an hour. They always give a 5-minute notification before arrival. It was 7:20 AM at that point and I was a little surprised that it would be that long, but I didn’t give it a lot of energy. I stayed calm and Manny said, “It is what it is.” English wasn’t his first language, and he did pretty well communicating.

Manny was quite the host offering coffee and stories of the homeless looking for shelter in the garage. He said being locked out happens all the time because there were a lot of people who used the garage. I went out into the foyer to get cell service and notified the Chaplain I was relieving, who had been on all night.

An hour later there was no 5-minute notification or phone call that they were on their way. Manny has the camera monitors in front of him and there was no Triple A vehicle on camera at the gate. Then I got a voice mail from a place informing me they couldn’t find my truck. At this point I had two families waiting for me to meet with them at the hospital. One of them had an 18 year old son who was having a critical procedure in his room because he wasn’t stable enough to be moved to surgery.

All of this was ironic because it is normally not busy first thing when I come in at 7:30 AM. My sense of calm was dissipating rapidly when there was no call back number and I had to look it up online to try and catch whoever was in the garage because they were going to be leaving if they didn’t hear from me. Of course, it wasn’t the number for the person walking around the garage….to be continued next week.

It is all about energy. What do I mean? For additional information read my blog post on Quantum Physics, Vibration and Attraction: https://wordpress.com/post/revairin.wordpress.com/428

We are made up of energy and matter. We are also vibrating at a certain level and our thoughts and feelings affect it. When I feel sad or a little down, I am low on energy, I realize that I need to raise my vibration. Meditating and/or saying an affirming sentence or truth statement will raise my energy and vibration level also known as vibrational frequency.

Dr Kez Bridges, a Chiropractor in Australia, writes: “Have you ever wondered what’s going on in your body when you’re feeling a little flat? Or have you ever experienced suddenly feeling drained after spending time with someone? The answer may be that your vibrational frequency is low. 🥴

What exactly is vibrational frequency?  It relates to the rate at which your body cells vibrate and oscillate. Cells that vibrate at a higher frequency are full of energy and are super healthy, reflecting how we feel. A healthy human body has a vibrational frequency range of between 62-70 MHz.”2 

Hence, this is why self-care is important. Maintaining a high vibration keeps you healthy and more impervious to negative stressors. Getting enough sleep, eating what is right for your body, meditating, etc.

Going back to my recent experience in the parking garage, I had done all the things in the above paragraph. I hadn’t had breakfast yet, which I have after I get to work. I still had a choice in how I showed up in the moment with Manny. Everything was going well until I tried to catch the locksmith before they left.

Stay tuned for Part II next week.

Rev Airin

1 Transformational Arts College of Spiritual and Holistic Training, Toronto, Canada

2 https://drkezchirolab.com/blogs/news/raising-vibrational-frequency-naturally#:~:text=What%20exactly%20is%20vibrational%20frequency,of%20between%2062%2D70%20MHz.